LOOK Odell Beckham earns thousands of new fans with just a handshake

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It's been a rough week for Odell Beckham. It all started on Monday night when the Giants receiver was held to just 23 yards in his team's 24-10 lo s to the Vikings. Not only was Beckham shut down in the game, but he also let his emotions get the Kyrie Irving Jersey best of him: At one point against Minnesota, Beckham got called for an unsportsmanlike penalty for taunting. Since then, everyone's been piling on Beckham, and not in a good way. Former Giants coach Tom Coughlin says that Beckham , while former NFL coach Jon Gruden says that the Giants so he can "refocus." Former Jeremiah Martin Jersey Jets linebacker, and current CBS analyst, Bart Scott, said this week that he would . As bad as things have been for Odell, there are still plenty of people out there trying to defend him by pointing out all the good things that he's done. For instance, take Brad Wing. The Giants punter, who was also Beckham's teammate for two years in college, said Jarrett Allen Jersey on Thursday that the media should stop focu sing on the negative stuff with Odell and focus on the positive stuff. One of those positive things came before Monday night's game, when Odell walked down the sideline and shook the hand of almost 100 soldiers after the national anthem. A video posted by Taurean Prince Jersey Brad Wing (@bradwing9) on Oct 5, 2016 at 3:52pm PDT Wing included the following caption with his video: "The media COMPLETELY controls what you see. They only show what THEY WANT YOU TO SEE. Don't let them completely control your opinion or perception. Spread the love. Some people are so quick to hate." Beckham might have lost a few fans Joe Harris Jersey for losing his cool during the game, but in the larger scheme of things, that doesn't really matter because he made hundreds more fans with this simple pregame gesture. Here's a few fans who found themselves liking Odell after seeing the clip. ok I'll stop hating on him. TeriAtTheBeach (@Terio818) this Cowboys fan thanks Odell for this action. You are a true American and I salute you. My Wife loves the Giants. Phoenix21 (@kmorrow721) I hate the Giants (Eagles fan), but that is pretty cool. ODB is all right in my book. Andy Schreiber (@andy_schreiber) Say what you will about Odell Beckham Jr. but he did something meaningful none of Keven Durant Jersey the other players on either team did. Luke Enno (@LukeEnno) Anyway, on a somewhat related Nate Sestina Jersey note, Wing knocking the media doesn't really make any sense because that clip he put on his Instagram page only exists because someone in the media (Hobie Artigue, ) took it, and put it on Twitter. Odell Beckham Jr going down the line and shaking every soldier's hand after the national anthem. Hobie Artigue (@HobieFOX9)
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